Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Corinth, and Homeward Bound

Early in the morning we drove to Ancient Corinth, and saw where St. Paul would have preached.
Then we got on the ferry for the long voyage home. The rattling of this boat's engines was worse, but I wasn't sick at all. The ferry headed west toward the setting sun, and the seagulls flew inches above the waves. The islands started to appear in splendor. I finished Kipling, which was wonderful, if not a little sad and scary. At the line for dinner there was an incident. Some Italian girls tried to cut in front of us, and we edged ourselves in front of them. One turned to us and said, "You speak English?" I replied, "Yeah". They turned to each other and began to giggle and speak in Italian. Then she turned back to stare at me, inches from my face. I didn't flinch, and she turned away first. We got up to where our RA Steve was handing out meal vouchers, and he told them they would have to go to the back of the line. They attempted flirting with him, but we got our spot in line and chuckled to ourselves. After dinner we went on deck. The wind blew our hair into disarray, and the waves leaped. At the very back we stood for at least an hour, watching the near-full moon shine on the waves. The ship's path created large foamy swells.
Finally we arrived in Italy, and drove towards Due Santi. We got there at dusk and lugged our suitcases up to the third floor. I got to bed late, but happy that I got a chance to talk to the folks back home ;) and glad to be in my Roman home.

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