Thursday, October 16, 2008

Greece is the Word

To some people's delight, and other's annoyance, that song played about twenty times on the bus rides on our 10 Day Class Trip to Greece.
On Friday October 3rd, we took a seven hour bus ride to the coast, and departed from the town of Bari on a ferry to Greece. I had a cabin with three other girls, and it was very cute. The beds folded down from the walls, and the room had several desks and a large window. None of us spent much time in there, but we roamed around the ship in the shopping areas, lounges, and out on the deck.
That night it was chilly on deck, but it was worth it to watch the waves. We hung out and danced at the all night disco for about an hour, but eventually I was too tired, and the room was too smoky, so I went off to bed. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep all night, because I reeked of cigarette smoke, the engines rattled the beds, and i was getting a sore throat.

In the morning I climbed off the top bunk, and immediately felt the rocking motion of the boat. "Uh-oh." I thought. The engines had quieted down, which was a plus, but the rolling of the waves was making me a little queasy. Breakfast didn't help, even though I was happy to see green islands out the windows. I walked cautiously down the narrow hallways, holding on to rails, and decided that going out on deck might help. Luckily, I immediately felt better as the wind hit me full in the face, and i saw the glittering of the sun on the waves. We saw rocky cliffs, with lighthouses perched on the top of islands. The ferry plowed cheerily through the waves, and the sapphire sea was just a shade darker than the sky. The white froth made a thousand different shapes, and as the boat tossed up spray, the droplets made rainbows.
The wind pushed us around, and even droplets of water on the deck struggled against its force.
Sailboats passed by now and then, and another ferry raced us across the sea.
We imagined we saw jellyfish, and wished for dolphins to leap alongside. Clouds rest on the tops of some of the islands, with the sun shining through them.
We got to Patras, Greece, and disembarked, marveling in the mountains. I was looking foward to Greece, but couldn't wait for the return ferry ride

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Tell me more, tell me more, could you see very far..........